Thursday, September 26, 2019

HW4 Drew Struzan Composition Study

This week, we were tasked with taking a piece from Drew Struzan's legendary collection and recreating it in our own style while taking note of the layout and composition.

I decided to choose his poster for Hellboy 2. Here's his original piece:

I loved this piece. I felt it was dynamic, powerful, and a strong
 example of multiple types of successful composition types.

Here's my recreation in my own style:

While recreating Struzan's masterpiece, I took note that it successfully 
shows 4 types of composition at once. 

The first is the cross composition. This leads the eye to the center of the poster, directed by the light and position of the robots.

It also has a triangular composition, from the hands of the main robot to Hellboy, as well as the background robots to other background robots.

Another way this piece is composed is with a radial frame, focusing in solely on Hellboy from all angles.

Finally, Struzan's piece also is set up with the Iconic style of layout. This has the strongest structure between Hellboy, the robots, the fore- and background, and the title.

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